Link to the PDF presentation:

Michael Holton Price SAA 2018


To reproduce the analysis and slides follow these steps.

(1) Install the yada package (github: SlothOfDoom/yada) using devtools. Instructions are here:


(2) Clone the saa2018 repository hosted on bitbucket.

git clone


(3) Start R in the directory where saa2018 was cloned. For example, I clone to the folder /bitbucket off my home directory  and hence on Linux do the following in a terminal window:

cd ~/bitbucket/saa2018



(4) Run the simulation. This can take some time. If you run out of memory, reduce Nmc, the number of Monte Carlo samples for the integration of the posterior.



(5) Generate the plots illustrating the Bayesian updating:



(6) Compile the beamer presentation. For example, on Linux open a terminal window and run the following in the saa2018 directory:

pdflatex saa2018_mhprice_fully_bayesian_reconstruction_of_past_demography.tex


To ensure identical results, these are the final commits for yada and saa2018 used to generate the SAA 2018 presentation slides.

Latest commit for yada [github]:


Latest commit for saa2018 [bitbucket]:
